15 October 2009

Third Year - Brief Two

Our second short brief was set by photographer Mishka Henner, who is a visiting lecturer at Blackpool College. The aim of the brief was to anaylse a book of our choice, and produce two images that would fit into it perfectly.

I chose the book 'Loretta Lux - Imaginary Portraits' as she is one of my favourite photographers.

These are the two images I have produced for this brief on the accurate book spread:

To be quite honest, they don't fit in the book at all! But I do like them as portraits without the hidious fake square cropping haha!

06 October 2009

Location Hunting

Ok, so we were all a bit bored and went out hunting for locations. Found lots of abandoned houses that had been vandalised. It had quite an eary feel so we didn't stay long :/
Practising on the 120 film camera too, but I haven't edited these as they're just quick shots :)